Weight loss is something many women struggle with. Sometimes it takes many years of yo-yo dieting, experimenting with fad diets for fast results, or dangerous weight-loss supplements, to realize that to achieve lasting changes, one need not only change their diet for a couple weeks, but commit to a healthier lifestyle overall.
Being overweight and specifically carrying weight in the midsection (belly fat) is related to many serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart conditions, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure and infertility to name a few.
Colonic Detox Hydrotherapy can help increase your metabolism, improve digestion and remove pounds of toxic matter from your body. Regular colon hydrotherapy can help reduces belly fat, trim your mid section for a flatter belly.
With a clean colon you will experience more energy, better sleep, reduced cravings, and better mood, so you can focus on other important lifestyle factors like regular exercise, managing stress, and nutritious meals.
Remember, loosing weight isn't a linear approach and is affected by many factors in one's busy life.
Colonic Detox Hydrotherapy can help you jump start your fat burning furnace. Keeping the colon clean and healthy can significantly reduce cravings, increase metabolism and has a positive impact on your energy and mood.
At Key Detox our therapists are also Certified Digestive Advisors who can help you make dietary changes and achieve positive results when combined with colonic detox therapy.
"I have been receiving regular colonics at Key Detox for a month and have dropped 7 lb by following the diet and digestion recommendations created for me specifically. I am impressed with the depth of knowledge and understanding my therapist has. I feel empowered and confident to continue my weight loss journey, not to mention that my blood sugar readings have been more stable and I have way more energy and motivation than before. It's amazing!" - F.K.
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Colon hydrotherapy in Mississauga
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